Business Bank Account in Dubai, UAE


Corporate Banking Consultancy

Get the best corporate banking consultancy from the experts and take the first step towards a better business approach.


What is Corporate Banking and Why is It Important in Any Business?

A corporate business account is the next big thing that holds major importance for business setup in Dubai. It makes your financial transactions simple and is highly recommended for better maintenance of your business funds. Corporate bank accounts in the UAE offer the facility of multi-currency accounts. A multi-currency account allows you to deal in multiple currencies which is very helpful for foreign investors as it reduces the overall transaction costs, and keeps your money transfers hassle-free.

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corporate bank consultancy in UAE

Why You Should Have a Corporate Bank Account in the UAE?


The banking system in the UAE is one of the safest in the world. You don’t need to worry about the privacy of your data when you open a bank account in the UAE.

Secure transactions

Banks in the UAE offer the utmost secure transactions for your business. You are always notified about your account updates and there is no possibility of any fraudulent activity taking place within the account.

Easy capital transfers

If you are a foreigner doing business in the UAE, capital transfers and currency exchanges are a major part of your business. This becomes easy with a corporate bank account for your business.

Advanced banking services

Banks in the UAE are technically sound and provide you with a variety of services, including instant money transfers, credit cards, and online banking.

Why Do Our Clients Trust Us With Corporate Banking?

Projectfrpjsc is a team of professionals having an experience of more than 15 years in the banking sector. We have the expertise to guide you throughout the corporate banking process in the UAE.

  • We handle all your documentation and paperwork formalities as required by the bank.
  • With us, you get a hassle-free process while opening a business bank account in Dubai
  • Get the best assistance in making the right bank choice that caters to your business needs.

Also Read – Rise of Digital Banking in UAE


Documents Required to Open a Business Bank Account in Dubai

List of documents to open a business bank account in Dubai

A company trade license is essential so that the bank can recognize your business.
CV/Resume is needed to identify your past business experience, thus ensuring that it matches your upcoming business activities.
A copy of your passport and residency visa will ensure your nationality and legal entry into the country respectively.
The bank would require legal company documents so that it can be assured of valid ownership of your current company.
A copy of Emirates ID will act as a validation document and be a part of the verification by the bank.
Utility bills are usually required as proof of address. This is important to keep a record of your address in the bank.
6 months bank statements will be required as a guarantee that your financial statements are legal and do not contain any fraud.

The business plan will be required by the bank to get an idea of your business activities and financial plan.


Our Role as a Corporate Banking Consultant

Projectfrpjsc is a trusted name when it comes to reliable corporate banking services in the UAE. We will walk you through the corporate banking process for your business in the UAE because we have all the necessary skills and expertise.

Additionally, all banks in the UAE would require you to give them a pile of paperwork. Why don’t you let us take care of it? We provide completely transparent and easy processes for getting your paperwork ready for your business bank account and guarantee to provide the best guidance for choosing the best bank to meet your company’s demands.

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360-degree assistance

We consider all factors for your business to assist you in a 360-degree manner in selecting the best bank.


Documentation preparation

With 15 years of experience in corporate banking, our in-house team will assist you in compiling all the documents required.


Compliance checks

Overcome the challenges of compliance checks with our dedicated in-house compliance management team.

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Virtual corporate banking

We will help you plan everything while you are sitting in your home country. Our team will submit all the required documents to the banks on your behalf.

FAQ for corporate bank consultancy

Frequently Asked Questions

The entire process of opening a bank account in Dubai takes about 4-6 weeks. However, you may open a corporate bank account with Projectfrpjsc in just one week.

Yes, you can transfer money to a country fairly easily using your bank account in the UAE. You can utilize the mobile/net banking features that your bank provides.

Projectfrpjsc offers the possibility to open a bank account virtually, even though it is necessary to be physically present in the UAE when doing so. We will handle the application process on your behalf.

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