Business Setup in Sharjah Mainland

Sharjah Mainland Business License
Get the best company setup services in Sharjah Mainland with help from our experts. Get in touch with us now.

Business Setup in Sharjah Mainland

Sharjah mainland has become one of the strategic locations to do business when it comes to the middle east. The city is a hub for different service, trade, and manufacturing sector related companies, all of which supports the company’s economy and drive maximum support from the government. Projectfrpjsc offers you the flexibility of business setup in Sharjah Mainland. Our team provides the combined resources necessary to deliver ongoing support in company formation, licence renewal, visa services, and much more.



Is it possible to have 100% ownership of mainland companies as an expat?

Yes it is now possible to have 100% ownership of mainland companies as an expat.


How can I get a trade license in Sharjah?

Lease a place to run your business and seek approval from the Sharjah Municipality. Prepare the required documents, including a memorandum of association and approval from all relevant governmental authorities. Make a final submission to the Department to obtain a licence to start the business. Pay the fee.


How long will it take to obtain our license-

If your documentation gets approved and verified by the concerned authorities, you will receive you license within 15 days.


What are the different types of Sharjah Trade Licences?

There are three main types of Sharjah trade licences: Commercial licences for all trading activities. Professional licences for artisans, services and craftsmen. Industrial licences for manufacturing or industrial activity.

Benefits of Business Setup in Sharjah Mainland
Free enterprise system
Few on no restrictions on the businesses. Freedom of business to regulation.
Top international exhibition and conference venue.
Some of the top international exhibition and conference venues available at Sharjah Mainland.
Sophisticated financial and services sector.
Sophisticated services provided by the finance industry to help your business reach its goals and standards.
State-of-the-art telecommunications
Cutting edge telecommunications technology to help you and your business to prosper.
Highly developed transport infrastructure.
Developed transport infrastructure provides benefits to the company.

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