Abu Dhabi Free Zones
Get the best company setup services in Abu Dhabi Free Zones with help from our experts. Get in touch with us now.

Business Setup in Dubai Free Zones

Further strengthening foreign investment in UAE, Abu Dhabi maintains strong commercial and business relationships with more than 100 countries across the globe. Abu Dhabi has a total of 5 free zones that cover multiple industries and sectors. The free zone business setup policy at Abu Dhabi has attracted both local and international business investment. Projectfrpjsc offers you the best company formation plan to avail maximum benefit in Abu Dhabi, with a broad overview of the financial policy and office space provision.

There are multiple incentives and facilities that investors receive by setting up a company in Abu Dhabi, which is one of the key driving forces behind company formation in Abu Dhabi. There are a total of 8 free zones in Abu Dhabi, out of which some stand out for their service in easy company formation and huge tax savings. Free zones in Abu Dhabi includes:



What are the steps to obtain a new Visa for a new employee?

First apply for a new "Entry permit", then apply for "Visa status amendment", and then apply for the "new Residency Visa stamping ".


Can a Non-resident open a company in Abu Dhabi onshore?

In Abu Dhabi onshore, an investor seeking to open a company in Abu Dhabi onshore must take residency in UAE once his/her company is established.


Can Freezone sell to the mainland?

A company established in Freezone can carry out business in the Mainland subject to the restrictions imposed by the law of the UAE. The Free Zone trading company can export the goods to the Mainland companies by following the UAE Customs procedures


How many days does it take to incorporate a company in Abu Dhabi mainland and free zones?

Ideally, it will take 1 to 2 weeks for the company to be set up in Mainland and between 2 to 6 weeks for a free zone company setup. This is subject to approvals from concerned authorities.

Benefits of Company Formation
in Abu Dhabi Free Zones

Full ownership after Mainland company formation in Dubai
100% ownership for investors, regardless of their nationality and country of origin
Pre-Built Advanced Infrastructure
Readily available handy office and warehouse facilities.
Exemption from Import and Export Customs Duty for Goods & Services
Get exempted from custom duty for goods and services while importing or exporting.
Exemption from Taxes on Personal or Corporate Income
100% tax exemption on personal or corporate income or gains 100% repatriation of capital and profits.
Full Repatriation of Profits and Capital
A Free Zone Company gives an expatriate the right to fully own the shares of the company formed.

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