Abu Dhabi Mainland
Get the best company setup services in Abu Dhabi Mainland with help from our experts. Get in touch with us now.

Business Setup in Abu Dhabi Mainland

The largest Emirate and the capital of the UAE, Abu Dhabi is a much sought after destination for foreign investor planning for company formation. Apart from the oil industry being its biggest boon, the city has been funding heavily in real estate business, tourism, and industrial development. Due to the flexible company setup procedures, Abu Dhabi Mainland offers diverse investment opportunities to all economic sectors. Projectfrpjsc – The best business setup consultant in UAE , offer you a secured business setup formation by availing essential business licenses.



Is it possible to have 100% ownership of mainland companies as an expat?

Yes it is now possible to have 100% ownership of mainland companies as an expat.


What is the biggest advantage of setting up a company in Abu Dhabi?

Abu Dhabi, in its quest to be one of the leading business-friendly destinations, has introduced many incentives and programs in recent years for new company setups, namely: A)Tajer license wherein you can start a company without office space for the first 2 years B)Reduced license costs and license validity for 2 years C)No minimum share capital requirement, 100% repatriation of profits, and many more.


How long will it take to obtain our license-

If your documentation gets approved and verified by the concerned authorities, you will receive you license within 15 days.


When can I open the bank account for the Company?

A corporate bank account can be opened after issuance of Company license and after the Company’s Power of Attorney holder has taken residence in UAE.

Benefits of Mainland Company Formation in Abu Dhabi

100% foreign ownership
Get 100% ownership of your company as an expat. No local sponsors required.
Excellent living standards
High living standards with subjective and intangible quality of life.
Prominent location between Europe, Asia, and Africa
Due to the prominent location between Europe, Asia and Africa, the business avails many benefits.
No foreign exchange controls, quotas or trade barriers.
Flexible laws and no red tapping. Get rid of excessive bureaucracy or adherence to formalities.
Exemption from corporate and personal income tax
Have your income or transactions exempted from corporate and personal income taxes.

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