company setup in uae Archives | Business Setup Consultant in Dubai | Projectfrpjsc One of the Best Business Setup Consultant in Dubai Sat, 25 Jun 2022 09:55:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 company setup in uae Archives | Business Setup Consultant in Dubai | Projectfrpjsc 32 32 How to setup a digital marketing and social media company in Dubai Mon, 27 Sep 2021 09:59:18 +0000 In recent years, the digital marketing business has experienced unprecedented expansion. Spending on Digital marketing in the United States and the United Kingdom increased to USD 52 billion last year. The global digital marketing spend is estimated to be approximately USD 100 billion.
This is, without a doubt, a huge market. And it's only going to get bigger. The tendency is similar in the UAE, with estimates indicating that the digital marketing business is growing at a rate of between 25% and 40% each year.
With such considerable development, people in the region with the marketing skills and much-needed determination to run a successful firm in this place will have a lot of options.
If that is you, there are a few things to consider before launching your digital marketing agency in Dubai.

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How to setup a digital marketing and social media company in Dubai

In recent years, the digital marketing business has experienced unprecedented expansion. Spending on Digital marketing in the United States and the United Kingdom increased to USD 52 billion last year. The global digital marketing spend is estimated to be approximately USD 100 billion.

This is, without a doubt, a huge market. And it’s only going to get bigger. The tendency is similar in the UAE, with estimates indicating that the digital marketing business is growing at a rate of between 25% and 40% each year.

With such considerable development, people in the region with the marketing skills and much-needed determination to run a successful firm in this place will have a lot of options.

If that is you, there are a few things to consider before launching your digital marketing agency in Dubai.

Why start a Digital Marketing company in Dubai?

There are several advantages to establishing your own business and becoming your boss, including increased flexibility, autonomy, and prospective revenue. But why launch a digital marketing agency in the first place? And why should Dubai be a preference?

Perhaps the most important requirement in launching a digital marketing agency is that you are well-versed in the field. Maybe you’ve been working at an agency and thought to yourself, “I could do this myself.” In the vast majority of circumstances, you most likely could.

You only need a laptop, the internet, and a strong web presence to get started in this field if you have an excellent understanding of digital marketing – from SEO to analytics and digital ads.

How to start your digital marketing and social media company in Dubai?

There are numerous factors to consider before submitting your application for a Dubai trade license.

1. Whether you want to establish your business on the mainland or in a free zone. Each area has its own set of benefits. If you set up shop on the mainland, you are free to trade directly with the local market without the assistance of a local agent. You may also participate in government contract bidding. If you establish a business in a free zone, you will be immune from paying any customs duties. Business owners in the UAE freezone have complete flexibility to repatriate all invested cash and profits. Foreign exchange controls and currency limitations are likewise absent.

2. Decide the name of your business. In the world of digital marketing, image is crucial, therefore it’s critical that your company name creates an impact, lingers in customers’ minds, and represents the spirit of your brand.

3. Your name must fulfill specific requirements. There should be no harsh or profane wording in your company name, and no references to well-known organizations or corporations. If you’re going to use your complete name in your business name, no abbreviations or initials are acceptable. The name you want to use for your company should be accessible for registration. As part of the license application procedure, a business formation specialist can assist you with this.

You may now apply for your trade license after making these crucial selections. A professional services license is required to start a digital marketing firm in Dubai.

If you want to start a business on the mainland of Dubai, you’ll need to apply for a license with the Department of Economic Development. If you are establishing a business in a free zone, you must submit an application to the appropriate management body.

In all situations, working with a company set up expert is recommended since, although the procedure is simple, it is not without its quirks. Whether you apply on your own or through a company formation agency, you will often just need to supply a few facts and some basic paperwork, such as:

  • The application form filled out completely
  • a copy of the potential owner’s passport
  • two passport-size color pictures

A company set-up agency may also handle all of your visa applications, including those for your employees, family, and domestic workers.

What is the cost of starting a digital marketing agency in Dubai?

The cost of establishing a digital agency in Dubai is determined by whether you want to operate on the mainland or in a free zone, as well as the size of your company.

If you’re searching for an estimate, an E-commerce license costs AED 5750 and is assured to be issued within 48 hours.

Ready to start your digital marketing company in Dubai?

Setting up a digital marketing agency in Dubai is not always difficult if you have the proper skills and knowledge.

However, it does need some prior understanding of the procedure. Furthermore, it’s worth noting that the application procedure is only simple if your license application is comprehensive and error-free at the time of submission.

How Radiant Biz helps you

In matters like business setup, people tend to get confused and get in chaos due to several rules and requirements. This is the time when people tend to look for an expert. A lot of chaos can be avoided if guidance is taken from the very beginning. Every venture may have unique requirements like location, customer convenience, logistical feasibility, and banking services.

We at Radiant Biz strive to understand these unique precepts and provide expert and reliable consultation to our clients with updated laws and governing regulations, awareness of their rights, and cost-effective business solutions tailor-made to their business needs and budget.

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E-Commerce Business License in UAE Tue, 02 Mar 2021 08:06:16 +0000 An online company setup in UAE provides an entrepreneur with new possibilities. To setup a business in UAE, a business license is required.

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E-Commerce Business License in UAE - Simple Steps one should Know

E Commerce License

Online shopping has become an essential part of our lives specially since the present covid-19 situation. All the businesses that decided to go online, prospered and expanded even more.

An online company setup in UAE provides an entrepreneur with oceans of new possibilities. E- commerce is also amongst the various business set up in UAE that provides tremendous opportunities to people.

The availability of internet to everyone has made the E- Commerce sector expand and has been beneficial for both the customers and the service providers.

For getting a trade license in UAE , A person needs to follow a series of steps. A proper procedure needs to be followed to get a license for an e-commerce business.

Types of E- commerce license available in Dubai

There are three types of e commerce licenses-

1. E- trader license

2. Portal License

3. Virtual Company license

E- trader license

This permit is provided to people who want to sell their products or provide services online. It is provided by Economic Development Department.

Portal License

It is the best for websites listing products, services and reservations. Non-EAU nationals can also obtain this license.

Virtual Company License

UAE and Non UAE residence can do business related activities in the area with the help of this license.

An E-commerce license in Dubai has no currency restrains. It provides 100 percent Dubai free zone ownership. One has to pay 0 percent corporate and personal taxes.

There are no duties on e commerce licenses and in addition to that the cost of operation is also minimal. One gets three years of approved resident visa as well.

Documents needed to get an E commerce license in UAE

· Copies of shareholders’ passports/visas

· Passport copy of partner / Emirates ID

· Local service contract / Civil work contract

· NOC by the authority concerned

· An MOA drawing up

Procedure to obtain an E commerce license in UAE

1. Choose your work zone- If your work zone is mainland then Department of Economic development issues the license however in case the work zone is free zone then the respective free zone authority issues the license to the person who needs to start the business.

2. Registering the name of the company- the name of the company is a company’s identity.

This name also needs to be approved in order to avoid issues such as the name being inappropriate or offensive for a particular community or group of people.

The name can be chosen with the help of business setup consultant in UAE.

3. Filling the application for E commerce license- A duly filled application form along with all the essential documents and papers mentioned above has to be deposited to get a license issued.

4. Apply for a NOC – an Initial approval certificate is issued by the concerned authorities. It is essential to have a no objection certificate from the concerned authority in order to obtain a license to practice business in e commerce sector.

5. Registering a virtual office- It is now essential for every mainland company setup in UAE to register a virtual office in order to work legally.

6. Following the steps completely in a correct order– if one follows these steps correctly, the business license is issued within one to seven working days.

7. Registering with ports and authorities – to practice trade by importing or/and exporting goods and services, one needs to get their business registered with ports and other concerned local authorities. There are no duties imposed on the activities taking place in the free zone.

8. Applying for visas– Applying for visas is an essential part of the process. It depends on the size of the business.

9. Opening a corporate bank account– A corporate bank account is essential to apply and obtain a license for e commerce business

In today’s world, e commerce has become a necessity. Many tasks that were difficult earlier are now done easily just because the world has gone online. The e commerce sector will continue to flourish in days to come as it promotes a digital world and is essential for better connectivity between various regions.

It provides entrepreneurs a wide range of opportunities to go global with a few easy steps. It is a great option specially now with ‘the new normal’.

We at Projectfrpjsc help you in getting your dream company registration in UAE with proper guidance. Several processes can be done without your physical presence, we will provide you with the solutions to all business set up related problems.

With our support, you can expand your empire in the ocean of endless opportunities provided by UAE. Contact us for assistance in setting up your company without any hassle.

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Why Setup Company in the UAE Wed, 06 Jan 2021 13:37:50 +0000 Know why you should opt for company setup in UAE. The diverse economy is one of the major reasons for new company formation in Dubai.

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Why Setup Company in the UAE

Company Setup in UAE

The UAE has been emerging as an ideal business hub in the past decade. Companies from all over the world have dipped their toes into expanding their existing business ventures into the booming economy of the UAE. One of the reasons being liberal tax laws, license policies, and an overall business platform. There has been wide acceptance of various forms of businesses. However, getting a little into depth, here is why you should opt for the company setup in Dubai,UAE.

Tax policies and administration

Tax administration is fairly lenient in the UAE as companies enjoy ease on corporate taxes, foreign exchange controls, trade barriers, etc. which allows them to generate capital efficiently and quickly. Investors/Corporate houses usually pick countries for businesses that could provide growth to their companies. Due to the convenient tax environment and various incentives available, Many foreign investors have started their company setup in UAE.

Flexibility on company formation policies

Company formation in Dubai mainland is quicker due to the efficiency of the system. A concise set of formalities for foreign investors and expats allows them to do business at ease. Under any business type, companies are given the advantage to carry out business transactions and other activities with their beneficiaries easily as the government avails many such benefits. With the right consultant and guidance company setup in UAE  becomes less of a challenge. Banking policies and all the prerequisites can be briefed through with respective consultancy with absolute transparency. 


The benefit of privacy laws

In the UAE, UBO regulations state to maintain a private registry of the UBOs concerned with the company and notify the registry in case of any changes taking effect. This might be a huge advantage for many companies who wish to maintain a certain amount of privacy in regards to their business propositions.

However, it must be kept in mind that in the light of easy exploitation of such laws the government requires companies to comply and check-off various OECD and anti-money laundering rules and regulations. One can make the most out of their Dubai offshore company setup through these policies and reforms. 

Diverse economy

The diverse economy remains one of the major reasons for various companies setting up company formation in Dubai from all across the globe. The UAE remains a financially stable economy for many businesses to operate in. Capital is, of course, a vital component of a company and the fact that the UAE’s economy is so versatile attracts many investors to it.

Dubai’s economy not only remains profitable for local businesses but foreign expats and conglomerates to branch out. Due to its consistent growth in pretty much every field, Dubai attracts companies from all over the world. 

There are a plethora of reasons why you should choose the UAE to set up your company. From government incentives to the technologically advanced environment, the UAE is an up and coming business hub. Providing a clean slate and a set of fresh opportunities the UAE continues to grow in terms of everything.

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How Favourable Are the New Company Formation in Dubai Rules for Business Setup in Dubai? Tue, 05 Jan 2021 08:49:34 +0000 New company formation in Dubai rules provide flexibility. There have been more business setup in Dubai mainland taking place.

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How Favourable Are the New Company Formation in Dubai Rules for Business Setup in Dubai?

New Company Formation in Dubai

On the light of recent policy changes, company/business set up dynamic has changed greatly. The new company formation in Dubai rules not only provides flexibility but efficiency and overall path to greater performance through a wider reach. Company setup or business setup in Dubai has never been easier. Let’s run down a few pointers on how the new policy reforms and changes have reflected on company formation rules for businesses in Dubai.

Dubai in demand as a business hub

With the recent changes, foreign companies and investors have seen a greater acceptance of flexi desk companies. It poses less of a challenge of having a physical residential address for initiating a corporate account in central banks. Through this reforming not only have there been more business setup in Dubai mainland taking place but UAE as a region is providing a larger scope for companies to be set up in this current situation. Company setup in UAE will see a greater change of pace through this new implementation.

Business activities

Dubai offshore company setup is no easy feat. The ingredients to setting up a successful company not only relies on the beneficiaries but getting through and understanding various guidelines and policies. With many business ideas being brought to the table every now and then only a few are given the green signal when it comes to banking rules and other legalities.

To overcome this, companies may consult business setup consultant Dubai to run them through the process of bank approvals and other important formalities. As the market grows banks are inclined to approve companies with stronger and risk-free business ideas. However, if the right steps are taken this banking issues can be solved in no time with Projectfrpjsc.

Rules on taxes and laws

With the introduction of the Value Added Tax (VAT) in 2018, it’s safe to say that the UAE business economy has seen a significant shift. Through VAT there has been a change in business operations and cash flow along with clientele relations. Creating greater opportunities VAT puts companies on the same page with their international partners.

As the new changes come into effect and have brought on new rules such as the 100% ownership for 122 economic activities, this creates a ripple effect of growth throughout the region. Thus, consolidating UAE as the business hub of the MENA region. 

Through these changes not only will companies benefit from it but the UAE as well due to the influx of various businesses and companies wanting company formation consultants in Dubai in the booming economy such as the UAE. The current market becomes more feasible and viable for FDI and company formations thus making it the right time for you to invest in your company and change the game. 

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11 Dos and Don’ts of Doing New Company Formation in Dubai Tue, 05 Jan 2021 08:36:46 +0000 With the ever-changing policies businesses need to optimize their strategy. Projectfrpjsc guides on doing new company formation in Dubai.

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11 Dos and Don'ts of Doing New Company Formation in Dubai

New Company Formation in Dubai

Business formation is no easy feat. There are tactics and strategies to build a brand and do business rightfully. Dubai offshore company setup has its own set of challenges. With the ever-changing policies and laws, companies and businesses need to be on the right foot; to adapt and optimize their strategy. But what are these strategies? While it may vary from company to company, here are some dos and don’ts while doing business setup in Dubai mainland.

Doing the research

Understanding the difference between Mainland, Freezone, and Offshore and the acquiring of the licenses for respectives businesses. Do the research and find out what business type suits best for your brand. Read and familiarise yourself with your competitors and most importantly go through the restrictions that comes with each type of new company formation in Dubai


Selecting the right business license

Select the appropriate business license for your business. At present Dubai offers three types of business license namely: Commercial, Industrial, and Professional License. Choose according to your requirements as there are various stipulations that are required for various licenses such as, approval from concerned authority, documentation and fee, etc.

Getting a service agent

Getting a service agent/local sponsor is not mandatory for business license in UAE. But some of the business activities may require service agent/emirati. Your service agent acts as an intermediary that manages your communication with concerned authorities and various other issues and formalities.

Opting for mainland business

While starting a business in Dubai mainland business has its perks as it allows companies to do business anywhere in the UAE. Companies under this business type enjoy great opportunity and exposure. However, under mainland company setup in Dubai  companies enjoy 100% ownership but are not allowed the advantage to carry out their business through out the UAE.

Meeting Visa eligibility requirements

Visa eligibility requirements can be easily met as the company setup in UAE is quite efficient if the documents are at hand. Once completed, checking the validity of the visa and other documents should be kept in mind as well.

Maintaining a legal contract with the service agent

Having a written document with beneficiaries provides a safe pathway for your business. Make your UAE business setup hassle free by maintaining legally acknowledged documents and contracts.  

Familarizing with banking prerequisites

Understanding the banking policies is a major step to having a successful Dubai offshore company setup as it directly affects your capital. Familiarizing yourself with these banking jurisdictions can be helpful in the long term.

Socializing and participating

Socializing in various business events gives your brand a boost and helps in networking with local and international allies, also giving your brand an edge simultaneously.

Being respectful to the local culture and traditions

UAE is a diverse country with people from all over the world. Accordingly, companies from all over the world are not uncommon in the UAE. Being courteous and empathic towards their culture and tradition is important and should always be kept in mind.

Engaging with the right business consultants

Get the right assistance and guidance for your Dubai business setup from an accredited and reliable business setup consultant. Go through the various banking, and company formation with experts and find the suitable options for a successful business venture.

Communicating with other business owners

Communicating with other business owners who have been on the same spot can be helpful as you can get extensive knowledge from a person with experience.

Following these 11 dos and don’ts accordingly can be fruitful for your business. But most importantly always do your research on what you want to pursue as it can be efficient, save you time and be overall productive for your company formation.

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How Projectfrpjsc Can Support New Startups and SMEs in UAE with Their Expertise? Tue, 29 Dec 2020 06:59:06 +0000 Projectfrpjsc can be your one-stop-business setup consultant. Startups in UAE are setup and expanded in hopes of converting to an SME.

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How Projectfrpjsc Can Support New Startups and SMEs in UAE with Their Expertise?

New Startups in UAE

Want to start your own startup or SME in the UAE but do not know how to go about the process? Planning the right business setup service can be tricky and challenging not to forget demanding as well. Projectfrpjsc can be your one-stop-business setup consultant. Get all your business doubts checked out at Projectfrpjsc. We provide excellent consultation on company and business setup in Dubai

What is a Startup?

A startup is a business or project undertaken to validate, grow and develop a product or service to incorporate it in the market. Usually, a startup is financially backed by investors. Startups in UAE are set up and expanded in hopes of converting to an SME most of the time. Though the transition might be hefty startups can be the right base for your future enterprise.

What is an SME? 

SME stands for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. It is a type of organization that maintain employees, revenue under a certain threshold. Generally, referred to new small enterprises in the market. According to the World Bank, SMEs are a major component in the global economy. They create job and company setup in UAE opportunities and account for about 90% of businesses and 50% of worldwide employment. But what could be an SME is subjective but generally applies to the aforementioned businesses. In the current market, SMEs contribute to about 95% of establishments under which 42% adds value to the Dubai market while 40% compiles the nation’s workforce. 


How Projectfrpjsc can support new startups and SMEs in the UAE

Projectfrpjsc can help you with the initiation and functioning of your startups and SMEs in the UAE. Here’s why – 

  • Our primary goal is to make your business as smooth and hassle-free as possible with our services.
  • We provide expert business solutions in regards to company formation in Dubai mainland, administration, and banking queries.
  • Our banking facilities that will help you with your startup includes
    • Company Bank Account and how we run our clients through the various banking regulations and policies to ensure the best. We help our clients choose the right bank for their business transactions.
    • Trade Finance by optimising companies profits and availing higher discounts on bulk orders and generating increased workflow. Through the guidance of our team of experts, we assist clients to navigate in the international market.
    • Increasing business capital by finding suitable commercial banking options. In order to allow complete transparency, we brief our clients and their investors on the ins and outs of the entire business set up procedure.
  • Our consultancy allows clients to explore their business solutions such as company setup, banking services, auditing, etc.
  • With our competitive and transparent pricing, Customers can use our cost calculator for company setup in UAE for actual pricing and fees.
  • We maintain absolute confidentiality and integrity in matters concerning privacy and security. 
  • Our services also include web-designing and digital marketing through cutting-edge tactics.

Setting up a company in a foreign land may be a huge challenge for lots but with Projectfrpjsc every aspect and aspirations in terms of your business can be handled and optimised. With the right tools and consistent effort, Projectfrpjsc can support new startups and SMEs in the UAE.

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Best Company Setup Consultant in Dubai – Projectfrpjsc Fri, 18 Dec 2020 11:59:10 +0000 Your first choice for Company Setup Consultant in Dubai should be Projectfrpjsc because we ensure the right steps to business setup.

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Best Company Setup Consultant in Dubai

We are the best company setup consultant in Dubai. Our process is transparent and straightforward. Get your trading license in Dubai at an affordable price.

Best Company Setup Consultant in Dubai

Projectfrpjsc is a company setup consultant in Dubai that provides the absolute best to cater to your needs. We don’t only deal in business setup in UAE but also provide services in corporate banking, Auditing etc. Projectfrpjsc covers all the grounds to ensure the right steps to lead your company to a systematic and successful path to setup.

Here’s why your first choice as a Company Setup Consultant in Dubai should be Projectfrpjsc.

Company Formation in Dubai

It’s very daunting for any foreigners to start their company in UAE. Many businessmen get really confused about which company license they should go for. In this situation, you need an experienced and transparent company setup consultant. We are in this business for more than 12 years and have helped businessmen & corporates from 64 different countries to form their company in UAE.

We have made company formation process more easy for our customers. Now you can calculate all your investment using our Projectfrpjsc Calculator. Its a cost calculator for company setup in UAE specially designed for our customer.

Why you Should Choose the Qualified Company Setup Consultant in Dubai?

Choosing a reliable and experienced Business Setup Consultant in Dubai for a business startup is a must. A good consultant will help you from start to endpoint and will make your life stress-free.  

The following are some of the main reasons why you should work with a reputable business consultant in Dubai:

1. For Professional Advice

To start a business in Dubai, you should have the relevant knowledge. You’ll need a professional expert with specific training and experience to walk you through the full process.

Someone who knows how to start a business in Dubai from the inside out. Someone who is up to date on economic trends and has firsthand industry knowledge, legal procedures, and country business rules and guidelines.

2. Saves Time & Money

A professional Company Setup Consultant in Dubai will guarantee that your business conforms with all of the country’s social and financial rules and regulations. It will save your time and effort by reducing the amount of paperwork you have to handle, allowing you to focus on more important business matters.

Rather than wasting time learning about the many sorts of forms and applications and then figuring out which part you belong in, an expert can assist you with various business decisions. You can reduce the dangers that could lead to significant fines in the future by making a well-informed decision.

3. To Assist You With Legal, Financial and Social Procedures

Corporate operations in the UAE are governed by strict rules and legislation. As a result, employing a consultancy, particularly for legal and financial advice is tremendously useful. A single blunder could result in catastrophic consequences, such as huge fines or facing legal accusations.

These challenges can arise years after you’ve established your business. An expert Company Setup Consultant in Dubai can guide you with accurate finance or legal decisions to comply with every financial and social norm right from the start by picking the right type of industry / legal license.

4. Helps in Selecting the Right Jurisdiction

An expert can give you helpful advice on where to start your company. An expert will provide beneficial advice on what is best suited for your business form and how to set it up in such locations.

When it comes to selecting business jurisdiction in the UAE, these are the following jurisdiction:

  • UAE Mainland Zone
  • UAE Free Zone
  • UAE Offshore

5.  Helps in Corporate Banking

Corporate banking in UAE is a very complicated subject and only experience consultancy provides services in this domain. We have a experience of 15 years in the field of corporate banking & trade finance.

We Set up your company bank account in 4 simple steps:

  • Select preferred bank
  • Apply for your account
  • Finalize the accounting process
  • Trade Freely

How to Choose a Business Setup Consultant in Dubai?

Choosing the best and most appropriate Business Consulting Firm in Dubai, UAE may be a difficult task. Failure could result in a significant loss of time and energy.

Review a couple of the options accessible and choose accordingly if you want to make sure you choose the right one. If you want to drive your dream business in the UAE, choosing the correct strategic alliance can help you integrate faster and flourish properly.

1. Team of Experts with a Proven Track Record

The knowledge of a well-established business consultant in the UAE will improve your business formation process by examining current marketing challenges and giving valuable ideas. When choosing a strategic partner, companies with professionals with a proven track record and excellent company setup expertise should be a must-have.

2. Goals and KPIs for the company are well-defined.

A goal-setting session with your expert is required to assess performance by identifying the important success factors for your company’s journey. Building a relationship with your partner in terms of explicitly defining specified targets and attaining goals is a superior strategy.

3. Legal and Licensing Operations

To start a business in the UAE, you’ve chosen a zone with a lot of laws and regulations. A skilled specialist will assist you in selecting the appropriate licenses for your business.

4. Governmental Strategic Alliances

You should have a business expert coordinating your efforts with government agencies such as:

  • Direct Foreign Investment
  • An Economic Development Department
  • Department of the Land in Dubai
  • Regulatory Immovable Estate Authority
  • Dubai Department of Health
  • Department of Economy or Municipality of Dubai
  • Tourism and Commerce Marketing Department

Why you Should Choose Projectfrpjsc?

Projectfrpjsc is the Best Business Setup Consultant in Dubai. In matters like Business Setup in Dubai, people tend to get confused and get into chaos due to several rules and requirements.  We have an experience of more than 12 years in this domain & we understand every little specification of business setup. A lot of chaos can be avoided if guidance is taken from us from the very beginning. 

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Difference Between Dubai Free Zone and Offshore company Setup Wed, 16 Dec 2020 07:32:47 +0000 Free zone is one of the preferred ways to do business setup in Dubai. Offshore business setup in Dubai gets majority of perks of free zone.

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Difference Between Dubai Free Zone and Offshore company Setup

Dubai Free Zone and Offshore


Having the right brain and team behind your company is a vital part of company setup. You might be new to it or need to know the current market status to take the right steps to ensure absolute success, that’s where Projectfrpjsc comes into play. Projectfrpjsc provides the right tools to ensure you the best choice for business setup in UAE. Having successfully assisted in setting up 1000+ companies Projectfrpjsc is the right place for your business needs and your wish to starting a business in Dubai.

Free zone

Free zone companies are those which are licensed to practice in the same free zone or internationally. Mainly used for imports/re-exports, free zone companies must follow special jurisdictions issued by the authorities concerned. The free zone is one of the preferred ways for expatriates to do business setup in Dubai.

Offshore zone

Offshore business setup in Dubai enjoy a majority of the perks of the free zone but the significant difference between the two is anonymity. Offshore companies enjoy a much more flexible structure as it allows them to keep details anonymous, unlike free zone. They also enjoy similar perks of ownership, like freezone. They are generally used as an asset for other companies working in or outside UAE.

Difference between free zone & offshore

The difference between free zone & offshore are as follows:-


Scope of business Does not allow direct trade in the local market however in case one does wish, they are required to pay 5% duty for the local market invoices. Apart from that free zone companies may do business in the same free zone or internationally. Offshore companies are also registered under free zone however they must not be substituted for free zone. Offshore companies enjoy many benefits of the free zone except for the fact that offshore companies may conduct their business activities externally and not inside the country.
Ownership Free zone companies enjoy 100% ownership Offshore companies also enjoy 100% ownership over their business
Office space Depending on the needs a company may or may not decide on leasing an office space. Companies can remain active through Flexi desks/smart offices. Companies under the offshore zone are not allowed the option of renting an office space as is the address of the company
Visa Facility In general free zone companies are issued 2 visas with 3-6 being issued as well. However, an office space must be leased to avail more visas No visas are issued for companies under this zone. Neither are letter of credits.

Why Projectfrpjsc is the best choice for free zone & offshore company registration

Projectfrpjsc is the best choice for your new company formation in Dubai because

  • We assist our clients with all the nitty-gritty details of company administration. We help you with your business formation in Dubai.
  • We provide the best resources to help you determine the right solutions for your business needs. We are your one-stop solution to setting up your business in the UAE.
  • We provide solutions for PRO services, VAT, auditing, accounting, etc.
  • We help our clients to choose the right bank for their everyday transactions. Aiming to make them more flexible and quicker for your Dubai business setup procedures.
  • We have great consultants that help our clients budget their options in the most effective way to set up and operate their offshore company formation in UAE on the right foot with the right financial foothold.
  • We also focus on website designing, and digital marketing as we choose the right tool for your business growth.

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Mainland Company Setup in UAE? Here’s Everything You Need to Know. Mon, 12 Oct 2020 12:08:31 +0000 Mainland company setup in UAE is a popular choice. A company formation in Dubai mainland is not restricted to a limited area.

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Mainland Company Setup in UAE? Here’s Everything You Need to Know.

Business Setup in UAE Mainland

The UAE corporate law gives permission to establish a mainland company under licensing by the Department of Economic Development (DED) of the related Emirate. Also known as an onshore company, a mainland company is allowed to do business in the local market as well as outside the UAE without any restrictions. A mainland company setup in Dubai is a popular choice among foreign investors because of the flexibility it provides in carrying business operations. 

Unlike the freezone, a company formation in Dubai mainland is not restricted to a limited geographical area. Thereby, giving the investors boundless opportunities to do business.

There are many other factors that make mainland companies a desirable choice for investors. Let’s look at some:

1. Limitless Possibilities

Countless companies have successfully reinvented themselves by expanding into new territories by registering under the Sharjah mainland. You will have the freedom to choose any strategic location for business. This helps your business to expand with new locations in different geographical areas, targeting new customers, and tapping into new sales and delivery channels. With a mainland company, your business setup in Dubai options are not limited to a specific area. In fact, a company present in the mainland is free to do anywhere company registration in UAE.

2. World-Class Business Infrastructure

The UAE offers favorable economic policies for mainland companies related to taxation and other PRO services. With Dubai becoming the busiest business hub for investors across the world, a mainland registered company has many other options including Abu Dhabi, Ajman, RAK, and Sharjah. Mainland registered companies in the UAE remains to experience the fastest growing technology and architecture for smooth operations in a business.

3. No Local Sponsorship

It remains a problem that a mainland company requires a local sponsor to operate a business in the UAE. However, with intelligent consulting from business professionals, this hurdle can be crossed by taking full ownership of your business. A foreign investor can appoint a local agent that basically provides you with access to labor and immigration. From thereon, you can take 100% ownership of your business forward by registering under the legal form of a Sole Establishment (one shareholder) or as a Civil Company (more than one shareholder).

4. Tax Reductions

UAE Mainland such as Abu Dhabi Mainland has waved corporate or personal tax for the smooth functioning of the business. Not only that, UAE free-trade zones like Dubai Free zone, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Fujairah, Ajman, Ras Al Khaimah, and Umm Al Quwain have excluded taxation to benefit international investors. Import duties in Mainland are also comparatively lower to other registered businesses, thereby avoiding the problem of double taxation. 

With Radiant Management Consultancy, you can take advantage of all these benefits and more by registering the company under the mainland. Our professionals work towards obtaining your commercial and professional licenses, PRO services, and visa eligibility. We are equipped to become your local mainland partner, which is an essential guideline to start your company registration in UAE. Get ready for a customised mainland experience for all your business transactions.

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