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Company Setup in Abu Dhabi Business plan 2030

Abu Dhabi is one of the most favorable places to setup a company. Not only nationals, but it is also favorable for expats as well. It is the appropriate place to experience a luxurious as well as a  well settled professional life. Project Abu Dhabi 2030 aims to shape Abu Dhabi’s urban infrastructure while taking into account various factors such as sustainability, infrastructure capability, community planning, and quality of life.

The planning was developed by the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council and approved by the Abu Dhabi Execution Council. It would be helpful to have an idea regarding the Abu Dhabi business plan 2030 if you want to set up your business there.

The Government of Abu Dhabi came up with a long-term plan for transforming the economy of the emirate. This would include shifting the focus to knowledge based industries from the oil sector. According to this plan, the following

1. Creating a global business climate that is accessible, efficient, and effective
2. Adopting a monetary strategy that is resilient to economic cycles while being disciplined.
3. Creating a monetary and capital market climate that is stable and has sustainable inflation.
4. Increasing the productivity of the labor market by a considerable amount
5. Creating an infrastructure that is necessary and resilient enough to sustain expected economic growth
6. Creating a workforce that is highly trained and efficient
7. Allowing capital markets to play a larger role in financing business industries and programs.

Core Intention Behind Company Setup in Abu Dhabi 2030

The Abu Dhabi Plan 2030 focuses on improving the urban framework for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi’s growth. The Emirate’s population is estimated to increase by three million people by 2030, crossing the five million mark. An urban framework has been developed to come up with conceptual options to diversify the region’s development aspects and make market setup easier for investors.

Urban Structure Framework

Just as Dubai Expo 2020, an urban framework has been planned to bring out unique developments for Abu Dhabi. A draft of the urban structure framework includes four sections, named as follows-

Framework 1: Environmental Framework

The Emirate is working to develop an ecosystem that is favorable to the growth of mangroves and other forms of natural life. To preserve sea life, best practices are taken into account. The National Park System has been developed in order to conserve wildlife and cultivate a rich culture. The betterment of nature would eventually create a favorable environment for business owners to come forward and start up their businesses because environmental factors have a huge say in the business growth process.

Framework 2: Land Use Framework

The next structure is concerned with the proper use of land in order to accommodate the increasing population. To make the most use of the land distribution, strategic steps must be taken. It includes the creation of the following:

  • Central Business District
  • Capital District
  • Define Limits for the City

Framework 3: Transport Framework

When it comes to the business world, transportation is important. A reliable transportation network is essential for anything from import/export to covering the surrounding areas. Abu Dhabi is working to create a well-convinced transportation network that will assist businesses in carrying out their activities effectively.

Framework 4: Public Open Spaces Framework

The creation of public open spaces is the next priority, with an integrated hierarchy of:

  • National and regional parks
  • Protected archaeological parks
  • Neighborhood parks
  • Green street links between parks
  • Include golf courses as an integral part

Framework 5: Capital City Framework

Appropriate steps have been taken to establish and manage the Capital District in order to improve the government network. This creates new markets for the real estate and manufacturing industries, which proves to be a golden opportunity for business owners.

Economic Outcome Projections

The aim of the Abu Dhabi Plan 2030 is to maximize the Emirate’s growth opportunities. Different business segments were used to create specific growth predictions. Please see the following for more information about them:


It is expected to see a significant increase in demand for residential units across all market sectors. The Emirate’s growing population would require more residential and commercial space, and Plan 2030 is being built to meet these future needs. This opens up a new demand for the real estate sector, as well as an opportunity for a real estate entrepreneur in Dubai.

2.Office Space

With the launch of the program, the workplace environment will see a significant improvement. We know that the upcoming Dubai Expo 2020 is expected to generate Dh 122.6 million for the Abu Dhabi economy, as well as several business partnerships. This will require more physical space for business establishment, creating a golden opportunity for entrepreneurs interested in investing in the co-working and real estate industries in Abu Dhabi.


The demand for groceries and other needs would rise manifolds with the rapid growth of the population. As a result, department stores may see an increase in demand. According to the plan, the government is also attempting to implement best practices to improve land use, which ensures that opening retail outlets would be easy.


As the number of visitors increases, the hospitality sector in Abu Dhabi can expand to meet the demand for  business and leisure. As we all know, Dubai Expo 2020 was a game-changer for the entire country.

Abu Dhabi’s ground is an excellent investment opportunity. Now, let’s have a look at the advantages of company setup in Abu Dhabi.

Benefits of Company Setup in Abu Dhabi

Some of the benefits of setting up  a business in Abu Dhabi are stated below:

  • 100% Exemption from tax
  • Full repatriation of spent capital and income
  • A large network that connects to other Emirates and countries.
  • A well-built, well-connected network of roads, airways, and waterways
  • Easily available office space
  • Easily available local sponsor

We may conclude that Abu Dhabi is on the edge of change and that in the coming years, it will emerge as a hotspot for investors in a variety of industries, from hospitality to manufacturing platforms. The government’s policies for Abu Dhabi’s growth would push the country to the next level. Attention has been given on all possible sides in order to expand from all possible areas. In order to Company setup in Abu Dhabi, you would require a business setup consultant. Projectfrpjsc is the solution to this problem. Book your appointment with us today and avail of our offers.


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